Sunday, June 30, 2013


When I found out about the Driggs Firework show I wanted to get on that action. It meant a little road trip out of Rexburg-which I was in desperate need to get out of my apartment. I texted some friends and Ketrea gladly wanted to come! It was a beautiful drive, even if it was cloudy. I definitely fell in love with area; it was so gorgeous! Once we got closer to town I was surprised to see how huge this firework program was. But it made since when I found out it was put on Huntsman Springs (apart of the Jon Huntsman foundation) it made perfect sense! My parents when to Driggs last year and raved about Teton Thai so when the vendors at golf course didn't seem worth it, Ketrea and I decided it was worth walking into town get some thai. And Boy is was worth it. I loved the rustic look of the restaurant and the food was pretty amazing! I couldn't help but love the place because everything was well designed including the menu and the typography used for everything. So good. I wanted leftovers and I was full so we hit it up at the Teton Creamery. I've had better ice cream but it was good and it hit the sweet spot.  Then me and Ketrea spent forever trying to find my FHE brothers and my roommate we got to sit down and listen to the "Beach Boys". I'm not sure if they were the real ones because they sure sounded like it. Then the firework show started. at first I thought we had terrible seats but they were perfect! I've never felt so close to fireworks before or have them go off so close to me. The fireworks were set off by the stage put also around the whole lawn area! Amazing! Definitely want to go back in future years to come! Oh best part was seeing Lee Greenwood sing proud to be an American. Ha I just laugh because thats really all he's famous for and his choice of shirt was very 80s. Ha love it! And I found out of there is hot air ballon show this coming weekend and I want to go down for that! So lets just say that Driggs, Idaho stole my heart! I love the hidden gems Idaho has to offer. So glad I'm an America! More about why I love the 4th of July to come in future posts! 

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