Thursday, June 6, 2013

Silver Linings

{via my iPhone}

The Tuesday after Memorial Day felt like the day I received the personal revelation I needed to stay in Rexburg and not worry about a mission ever. It wasn't what I was supposed to do. I so wanted to go on a mission, just like I wanted to have a degree in Graphic Design. But now I know that things change for a great purpose even if its hard. 

Tuesday was difficult because for one it was weird not going to class. And second I missed my classmates and the new things I would have learned from my teacher. I love graphic design and I believe I have a knack for it. Its hard letting going of something you thought was so right and perfect for you and believe God has something better for you. Maybe there is a reason I started to consider transferring. For many unknown reasons I guess. Which sometimes I really hate the unknown because I can't control it. I'm old enough to just get over that one by now. I'm in college and I've been dealing with that for a long time. 

I wish changes were easier to get over. I'm looking for silver linings in my life. That little silver that will make me feel just a smidgen better with all this negativity surrounding m.  I guess the one silver lining in my life among all this craziness (being 21 and arthritic...not cool Robert Frost!) is that I realized graphic design wasn't for me and there is something and somewhere that needs me more than me contributing to the applied arts world. Its remarkable to me that even in trails and adversity you can always find good. Good small things in your life or good people with good hearts! Thank goodness for opposites our we wouldn't know how to appreciate the moments that matter most.  Stumbled upon this gem when I really needed it.

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