Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dear 2014

 (Designed by me. Please if you copy it and use it I would appreciate if you would give me the credit I deserve.)


It's so good to finally see you and embrace you. I never thought I would make it this far. Seriously, and that story could be a blog post all of its own. But I'm off topic, 2014 I'm excited for you. There seems to be a glint of good things coming on the horizon. I know those things won't happen right away and there is always the possibility that it won't happen until October of 2014 or even December 2014 but I know the good things are coming.

I have high hopes for you 2014. Hopes of growing in sense of myself. To strive rather than survive.  To  be selfless instead of selfish. You are a fresh beginning for me. So much can happen in a year and I'm eager to watch you unravel yourself. To see you exposed in your roughness and beauty. Your uncertainty excites me.  I can't wait to gag on your bitterness; savor your sweetness.  If it weren't for opposites I don't think I would truly understand happiness.

2014 I know you have a lot to offer and I have expectations for you and myself. One in particular is to just try. Even if it terrifies me or it seems like the answer will be no, I'm going to try. Even if it hurts and I want to cry I am going to try. 2013 has taught me a few lessons but the biggest would have to be I can't be afraid of my life. I need to always be living! I need to be watching, learning, helping, and striving! One of my favorite moves says, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” 

I don't plan on missing you 2014.

All My Love, 


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