Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Awkward & Awesome

I told you this would be a thing, and I find it more hilarious than any of my dear boys but maybe that's because I haven't been doing "dear boy" posts in quite some time. My level of interaction with the opposite-sex has been up. Let's just say I'm not bringing some poor cat into my life anytime soon; most definitely a fish because they just have a blank look on their faces and won't judge me.

//The fact I went to work today with no makeup on. I just got back from my favorite city, Logan. Since taking this job at the elementary school I have always worn make up to work. I still look nice just my face isn't painted on.
//Going to the doctor with my grandma for her. I'm used to going for myself, not for someone else. Honestly seeing and being sick people makes me awkward in general because I don't want their germs, unless its a cute baby.
//How I tell myself to do things in a grown up way. Am I not a grown up already? Why do I have to add the world grown up or adult to make it sound more important? I guess I still feel like a kid.
//My lack of ability to pick up on social ques while texting. Sometimes I don't pick up on things and other times I take things the wrong way. Which is slightly embarrassing because I like to consider myself an adult. Maybe I'm starting to get too old for texting or maybe I just do better when I can hear an actual voice.
//When I eat ice cream. Apparently I look weird when I eat ice cream or drinking or maybe its just eating but that has never stopped me from indulging my chubby heart.
//How I say milk. According to my family I say it wrong so now I try not to say it (and I agree and get all embarrassed when I do say it in from of them). So if you do hear me say milk just think you got a gem. And apparently I say it as if I was from Chicago (according to New Girl).

//I'm making plans for my future again. I've chosen my new school and now I need to get in and get my butt to work. I can't decide if I want to live on campus, not on campus, or even with roommates period (I'll explain later, I love roommates I'm just getting old)
//Spending the day with my Grandma Dandy. I love her stories and I love hearing about Logan history. She's a really gem and she makes me laugh all the time. I don't think she realizes the funny things that come out of her mouth.
//Aggie Ice Cream. If it was legal and normal to have a relationship with food mine would be with Aggie Ice Cream. But it's not so I just get when I'm visiting Logan, gosh I could be in trouble come this fall when I have an easy access to it.
//Making awesome homemade chicken noodle soup and not really following a recipe. I just through it together. That's proof I'm my mother's daughter. I take after her when it comes to cooking.
//Taking a mini-vacation even though what happened wasn't what I hoped for. It was nice to get away and just gather my thoughts for a day-decide the things I do want for my life.
//Being okay with me, starting to embrace my vulnrability. It's kind of liberating in a sense. It's awesome to me that I'm making steps in my life to improve.

What was awkward and awesome about your week?

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