Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Awkward & Awesome

Sometimes I laugh at my life and how weird I can be. So I decided to let you all in on my hilarity. I think I'll make this a Tuesday thing. 

//Sometimes I'll make faces in the mirror and I won't stop until I feel satisfied. Sometimes I wonder if I'm normal.
//Singing out loud in the car; yes people stare it me from their speeding car while we're on the freeway.
//The fact that somehow I messed up left and right while at America's Best. Then proceeded to put the left contact in the right eye and the right contact in the left. Go figure. And then I proceeded to Walmart and realized my mistake. Go figure.
//Me on Tinder. I'm pretty sure everything that I say on that app is awkward. Tinder is just awkward.
//How many selflies I take on a daily basis. 
//My felt mustaches I like to wear. 

//Getting hugs from the kids at Washington Elementary. They make my day, I love hearing them say "Miss Chloe, Miss Chloe!"
//Telling children they are smart and see their eyes just light up.
//Getting texts telling me I'm beautiful, when I have a hard time seeing myself as beautiful.
// Reading a "Man's Search for Meaning". I've read it before but it's striking a cord this time around. We all need purpose. People can take everything from us but they can't take your attitude. 
//The fact that I can relate everything in my life to New Girl.
//Had the best weekend ever with one of my favorite people! Movies, hot tubbing, secret telling, and eating delicious food. Hoping for another fun weekend again soon. 

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