Sunday, May 15, 2011

I have never

Lately I have been thinking of things I never done...some I wish to do and others
I'm pretty skeptical about. . .

So I have never:
been outside of the United States
been to Ohio or Iowa or Illinois, pretty much the Midwest
 been on a cruise 
been to Europe: France, England, Italy, and Portugal are on my list 
 had a really weird food dish (such a talon soup like my dad)
 ridden in a train
 been to a huge 100,000+ concert
 been on a mission
 ridden an Elephant
 been kissed
had squid
owned my own snowboard
owned my own car
joined another church (what can I say my church is true)
hard core rock climbing
bungee jumping
sky diving
been in love

Those are on my bucket list. A Girl can dream and wish all she want.
Maybesomeday I'll be able to go and do some of these things!!

STar light, Star Bright, 
the first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might;
Have the wish I wish tonight!!

What are some things you have never done?

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