Sunday, May 15, 2011

You got the crap?!

What can I say that I live with amazing girls.
When they got done with class( I got a new suit). We went
tanning over at Egin lakes but ended up taking
a lot of pictures. Let's just say I hope we go a lot so I can actually get tan.
(plus the new suit  it gives me a better reason to work out harder)
We took pictures and had guys asking us if we wanted to play Frisbee.
We turned them down and proceeded to take more pictures

Later that night...we got blocks of ice and went to the upper fields and ice blocked. It was hilarious
 People that walked by looked us as if we were weirdies but I'm pretty sure they
were just jealous! Once we had our fun we ended the night with a dance party, fatty food, and
a movie.

This week has been pure bliss. Want to know the secret to having a blissful week! Attitude, my friends, Attitude. I've been choosing to be happy with what I've been given...It's been a 
complete turn around from my first semester. I'm going to say it flat out, first
semester I thought  I had to have a date at BYU-I-do every weekend. So many people talked about it
I honestly thought something was wrong with me hahaha. There was a problem with my attitude toward life, I honestly thought the world owed me something for living in it. It doesn't, the world was
here first.  I have come to realize with much advice from my mom, is that someone
else can't make happy. Someone can only make you happier! Right now I'm living life to the fullest it
can be! If I don't have a date I'm going to sit around an complain, I'm going to go have fun.
I may have girl-next-door-its more than I want but it is what it is.
I'm going to make the most of it.

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