Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Medication to make you better...

There was a episode on glee, that really said somethings that needed to be said.
Watch it if you can...if not on hulu on the Fox website.

I like most Americans have forms of a "mental illness".
ADHD and Anxiety, which is a form of depression. 
I do take medication for both of them.
Why? because they make me better.
They make it easier for  me to be who I am supposed to be.
If I didn't (like most Americans) I would be blocking myself .
Like for instance I have hypothyroidism as well.
Should I not take my medication because it is what is and thats who I'm supposed to be.
No I take medication because it makes me better. It keeps me healthy!
I say I have to disagree with parents and some psychologist who say its better to go natural or to give
children or patients a break from their medication.
That doesn't make them better.
If Heavenly Father didn't want us to have medical help he wouldn't make sure modern medicine
progresses like it does.  He wants us to be better. He wants us to be who
we are supposed to be.
I'm not ashamed of having ADHD and Depression, it took me a while to overcome that.
I had to accept the fact that its my life and the only way to make it better was help.
Taking medication was my help.
I just needed to accept the fact that it is okay to ask for help.
It happens and that it why Heavenly Father has made it possible for medicine in the world.

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