Tuesday, June 7, 2011

College: it's freeing!

I love College! I think its the best thing that has ever done!
Its like High School only 100x better.
You get to have sleep over every night! It's a party!
Your making your own choice, becoming that person you put aside in high school.
Granted my first semester I was a sad one compared to this semester.
I did explore myself a lot and learned somethings about myself.
I still am! I like more music than I can possibly imagine.
There are people out there that like me for who I am and want to hang out me!
College is so freeing! You're not pretending anymore or you really won't have friends!
My testimony has been tested and is still tested.
I'm so grateful for being at BYU-I, there are still reasons I don't know why I was prompted to come here. 
Granted I am thinking about transferring but thats when I'm prompted to!
(I;m thinking of majoring in nutrition and BYU-I doesn't have it).

So I have a top 10 list of  why I love College!

{1} You are in control-nobody tells you what to do
{2} Your studying something you love
{3} You're always meeting new people everyday; amazing people
{4}You can avoid the drama- most act like adults
{5} BOYS!! I would be lying if I didn't say it 
{6}You're poor and having the time of your life
{7} Your views are expanded
{8}You do somethings you'll never be able to do at other times in your life
{9}You can be has healthy or has disgusting as you want
{10} You become the person you want to be

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