Monday, June 27, 2011

Chocolate Chip Banana Pancakes

Saturday was Super.
I gotta go cliff jumping in Ririe with Tracey, Steven, Lehi, and Riley.
That was a lot of fun even if the water was cold. 
Maybe I'll get the guts next time to go off the 60 footer cliff. 

Later I went a lovely outdoor concert that was free.
Who doesn't love free. Maybe rich people...they got way to much money.
It was definitely worth my time even if I went by myself.
Some of the best times you can have are when your by yourself.
I got some Sammy's Coupons {jealous? yeah you should cause one's a free shake}.
2 New CDs that are just rockin' my ears right now{seriously listening to them right now}.
I got to meet Brooke White, she's pretty much amazing! {American Idol Top 5}
And the McSteamy Jonathan Jones said I was gorgeous and a doll! (my heart just melted again) 
Something I haven't heard in a long time! Thanks Jonathan!!
It was a night well spent. 

{Don't know why I look like I have a black eye with Brooke White}

Oh I even had Chocolate Chip banana pancakes for breakfast! Yum!

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