Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I-Like I mean Love-Jillian Nicole!

I have some amazing friends.
I would like you meet one of them.
Jillian Nicole!
She's an upcoming artist in the Provo Area!
She has a lovely voice and writes all of her music (lyrics, piano, and some guitar).
To hear some of her music check out this place.
Let her voice rock your sweet ear buds into a lovely dizzy!
She'll leave you feeling like an ice cold glass of lemonade.
Sweet, tart, and satisfying!

I've known Jillian since I was in first grade!
I've always been jealous of her musical talent!
Who isn't?! 
So do me a favor. Go to her fan page on Book Face and like her! 
You won't just like her...You'll love her!
Check out for yourself.
You can thank me later for introducing her to you! :)

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