Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Something about a Smile

Their so simple.
You share a smile and everyone you pass smiles.
When some one smiles at you, you can't help but smile.
Lately I can't help but smile!
I am so happy where I am in my life.
I'm so happy I'm school (the school I'm supposed to be at)!
I happy for the amazing people in my life.
I'm happy with the choice I'm making.
I love it when I smile at guys and they smile back!
I love it even more when they smile at me first and throw in a wave.
My new quote for when I am sad is this:
When I'm sad, I stop being sad and start be awesome instead!
Honestly you're has happy as you make you're self!

So here I am smiling because:
I got to go swimming with one of my amazing friend Shane.
I got McDonald's Sundae.
I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite! It's so cheesy and funny! Reminds me of when I was younger!
I'll finish up the day with some Zumba Flat abs, shower and going to bed early.
Gotta register for classes for Fall semester! Pretty Excited!

Smile on!

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