Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today has been utterly uneventful!

Honestly this is how I feel!

I just went to class, did homework, and looked at an apartment.
Class was okay, nothing exciting. Watched a movie in humanities! Yay!
Actually its quite funny, I know it shouldn't be because its a rather serious movie.
Yet it is hilarious! Must be cause it was made in the 1960's.
So moving to a new apartment; I didn't feel good about Camden.
La Jolla feels right.  Don't know why but I'm going to stay. Change wards.
Should be fun next semester boys living here in all.

Well tomorrow I'm headed home for the weekend! Yay!
I'm so excited for the mad fun that is going to happen this weekend.
I love my family and I love my best friend. It is going to be grand!
I hope I can sleep tonight but its possible I won't because it's so hot in our apartment.
Happy Thursday!

I'm going to leave you with this parting gift :
Gets me every time! I love it!

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