Friday, June 10, 2011

My love: Running

Let's just say that before I came to college I detested running on my own.
Granted I did Cross Country in 6th grade, Jr. High, and Freshmen year of high school.
And some track in Jr. High 9th and 11th grade. I ran when I wasn't hurt really.
I probably could have done really great in Cross Country, if it weren't for the injuries.
I was running a 5k in 21 minutes and on my way to get faster as freshmen. 
I made it to state got 35th (15 away from medalling). It was fun, be in Lewiston with all my 
friends!  Then of course I got injured in track that year from trying to be a triple jumper and
a distance runner. Missed out Cross country.

On those years that I didn't do my usual cross country and track season I detested running.
My parents told me to go out and do something but I would just brush it aside.

First semester I packed on the pounds after Halloween. Of course I started running and
couldn't lose any
of that weight. I blame myself for that one-seriously! Well okay part of it was 
my thyroid being attacked by my immune system but I was boredom 
eating. I was having a love hate relationship with running because it wasn't doing anything for me. 
I went back home got things situated with my thyroid and before I knew I was back up at school running a
and swimming. Lost 15 pounds (so far) and loving it.

Through running I learned to love myself more.  It makes me so happy.
It's hard not to love yourself when you're happy. My relationship with my
running shoes is pretty strong.  Yup I'm dating my running shoes. Every night
 during the week I am cruising with my shoes and discovering different parts of Rexburg.

Running keeps me sane. It melts the stress of school, being a way from home,
and the crappy dating scene Rexburg (a may have to rant about that one sometime).
It makes me feel healthy, happy, strong, confident, and of course beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I spotted you on Daybook, and love your name! Truly!

    Greetings from Mexico,
    DoublClik Photo Blog
