Monday, June 27, 2011

la famille

I'm looking forward to seeing my family this weekend.
 Its been 4 weeks and I'm in need of a large dose of them.
This idea makes me laugh because I never thought I would miss them as much as I do.

First semester away from home, I was calling home everyday for no reason.
Parents said I could only call once a week this semester.
I was doing pretty good until stress level got raised, roommate problems occurred and 
a lack of having a semester best friend happened. 
I'm grateful that my parents tell me to call if I'm having a bad day or need some one to talk to or
no reason at all. 
What can I say I have my up and downs. My family anchors me down and makes sure I don't fly away.
They love me for who I am and let me be that person. 
They don't pressure me about marriage or dating (honestly just let it be, we all know
dating scene in Rexburg stinks)
They're a reminder that nothing is wrong with me.
I'm glad to say I'm lucky girl to have the family I have. 

You know how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints says we choose are own families.
I picked a winner and I'm glad they picked me too!

Have a happy week everyone!

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