Sunday, August 28, 2011

1 more week?

Grain harvest is slowing down....Just one more week at least and 
then I'll be satisfied to be done. My days feel all mushed together.
Its just the same thing everyday. 
Don't get me wrong things can get hopping in the scale house.
One moment it can be slow and then BAM! 20 trucks come right at once. 
I've really enjoyed getting to know Emily, my awesome scale house partner. 
We have dedicated the beginning and the end of our day to Michael Buble. 
We learn Spanish from Andres and Abraham...thank goodness I know more than
just my usual "I need my buckets emptied please" in Spanish.
We laugh and talk about BYU-I-Do( or Don't in my case hehehe)
 and her amazing mission to Ireland and Scotland.

So maybe in one week I'll be able to write a decent post that isn't about harvest
or grain or me working in a scale house. 
That why I haven't posted at all. I don't want to bore with how exciting 
I got when somebody's Soft White Wheat got a test weight of 65 lbs a bushel.
(The significance of it is, is average for SWW is 58-61)
Thats pretty much what the conversation at our house because my Dad works for Agrisouce
the company my sister and I work for during grain harvest. 
Then in 2 weeks I'll be back at school where there are more boys to write about 
instead of the truck drivers, farmers, and pit men that I encounter everyday.

So adios! I'll post something happy and exciting in a week or so. 
Depends on what I do this week...

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