Wednesday, August 3, 2011

{Whimsical} Wednesday :Audrey Hepburn

{I hope to get this poster soon for my room}

Oh Audrey, she is my favorite!
I used to watch her my Fair Lady movie when I was little. 
But thats not when I loved Audrey. 
I think my Audrey Hepburn fetish started when I was in 6th-7th grade. 
One of my friends had the movie Funny Face, so I got it too because I loved it. 
Then I got Roman Holiday-I loved the idea of a princess escaping and touring Rome for a day.
Then I saw Breakfast at Tiffany's-iconic! I love her clothes and her becoming brave about her life. 
I got that for myself on Valentines day{you can do things like that when you are single}
Then there was Love in the Afternoon. A roommate logged me into her netflix 
and I was an instant fan-I love how Ariane is able to draw in Mr. Flannagan by using her father's cases.
Alba even gave me an Audrey Hepburn necklace, that I absolutely adore.
Then there is Sabrina {NOT the 1990's version} I love everything about it. Bought it
as a reward for a my good grades for the semester!

One reason  I love Audrey is she is classy, fashionable, optimistic, and a humanitarian.
Notice the quotes I have up on this blog. 
She had her own style, and lots of people want to be "so Audrey" when clothing comes to play
 She stopped her career so she could be with her two sons more.  
She was a huge advocate for UNICEF a and went to Africa. 
I hope to own most of her one to buy is How to Steal a Million.
I am a nut for old movies and Audrey Hepburn

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