Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To Whom it May Concern

To whom it may concern:
I'm grateful that you care about me and hope I get the best in my life...
but really I'm tired of getting asked,"Do you have a boyfriend {yet}?"
If I did I'm sure you would already know. I hate it! I feel like I'm being
judged! I'm happy with out one. I just haven't met the right guy yet I guess.
Dating is not what my life is about yet or will it ever be. Its not going
to consume me like other girls. I hardly get asked out on dates ever
and its no big deal for me! It took me until college to realize
nothing is wrong with me because I don't date religiously or ever.
I'm just better at being great friends with guys than being a dating material.
Its okay, I'm accepting for what it is. Maybe someday , a boy will
appreciate that I'm good at being friends with boys. He'll be glad
I'm not a BYU-I love-crazed girl. He'll be glad I don't put pressure
on the first date like some girls. He'll think smart{I don't play dumb},
he think I'm funny{I'll tell it as it is}, and happy{I don't depend on
others to be happy, they're an added bonus}. It is not something
I am going to force. It will happen when I least expect it. So please
stop asking about it and I promise you'll know when it happens.
I still love you.  But please...please stop asking. Next time just
ask me how my semester is or if I had fun...It more exciting than
hearing "Nope!"


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