Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dear Boys part siyam

Dear Blue Shirt,
I thought you were
really cute and we did exchange
a few words. You stood up
and you were short...
-gray shirt

Dear Boy,
I don't think you remember
me but I sure remember you.
I'll make sure I'm super cute
again because you weren't
at church today.
-Girl in the red dress

Dear J,
I didn't really get to know
you during FHE but I am
now. Its lots of fun and
we'll have to hang out in the
fall. And hopefully you won't
reject my brownies, then.
P.S. Bridge Jumping soon?

Dear Strong Bad,
You are hilarious and
I am watching your videos
everyday. Hopefully you'll
have a new video soon!
wasting time on the internet

Dear Electrician,
You're seriously creeping me out.
I'm not going to respond to
your flirting. I'm flattered but
really I'm not a fan of tattoos
and smoking. Go find somebody
your own age.
scale girl

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