Sunday, August 14, 2011

I've been at work {obviously}

I've started working at the scale house and its making me tired.
I guess its just the fact that I'm not able to take a nap but I'm getting better sleep than normal.
Go to bed 10-10:30 at night and then wake up at 7.
I'm doing the computer stuff this year. Its kinda a nice trade after doing sample taking
and doing state samples all the time my first year. 
I add Bushels  up and transfer tickets to the main office.
I make sure everything goes to right places and mixes aren't caused by me. 
An added bonus is I sound smart when people ask me about my job. 
I have written somethings for the blog but I'm so tired I don't even want to think words anymore. 
I just want to watch me some Strong Bad because his voice makes me laugh
and for some reason he's been putting me to sleep too. 
I'm such a nerd ;) For some reason I'm a lot happier to come home this semester. 
It could be because the break is short and
 I'm work full time plus some overtime. 
I am really thankful for this job. It works perfectly with my 7 week break. 
And now I'll have money for school and some new clothes. 
I'll try do better this week and post my awesome thoughts that come into my head!

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