Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Boy part dymbëdhjetë

Ha it makes me laugh that I do numbers in different languages. Alba this one's for you.
Remember to check out Elise's Dear Boy post.

Dear Boys,
Really?! Ruuude!

Dear SG 107 & 109,
Your still my favorite! I promise
I'll bring brownies next time.
Adventure Time?
Girl in LJ 317

Dear Dad,
I'm super proud of you!
You rock like a boulder!

Dear S,
Thanks for listening.
I can always count on you!

Dear Boys on Campus,
Quit being pansies. If you
want to get to know the girl
go talk to her.
concerned observer

My theme song for the past week:

   And no I can't belch the alphabet
   No I didn't choose guitar
   and no I've never read Lolita

Thursday, September 29, 2011

That was fast

I knew it wasn't going to take me long to perk back up. 
It just took a chat with the parents and some friends to cure me. 
And some blue drink{powerade from Horkley's}...
and some music of course. 
I'm so glad that even though I may be sad sometimes there 
is always sunshine after the storm  
I keep remembering what my Mom told me last week 
"You have every reason to be happy, I just have good feelings for you"

{Picture Courtesy of Alba} 


You've probably noticed I haven't been blogging much this week. 
Well I really haven't been myself.  
Its been roller coaster week and I didn't want share sadness. 
But then again I don't want to sugar coat anything on this blog. 
This blog is me being honest. 
I'll blog more once I'm back to feeling myself.
Don't worry Dear Boy is still happening tomorrow. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Got Me Thinking

Soooo tonight I couldn't stand anymore. 
I was tired  whining to myself about the fact that I couldn't run. 
I decided I was going to run tonight no matter what it took. 
I would crawl if my knee hurt that bad. 
I pulled on an old brace and boy did that thing work wonders. 

So in my Health & Wellness we are talking about how 
it means to be well spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually, and socially. 
When I went on my run tonight I realized somethings. 
When I saw a shooting star I didn't even want to make a wish.
I needed to cry. 
I haven't been owning up to some feelings I've been feeling. 
Like on Saturday I blamed my crying on watching a scary movie and
tonight I realized that's not why I was crying. 
It was things I was trying to suppress. 
Instead of talking to someone about it I just ignored it. 
Of course when that happens it just explodes on me with a bad day. 
When I was running I realized there are things
I need to forgive others about instead of packing them around. 
I need to stop holding on so tight. 
I need to stop thinking about certain things to much. 
After a sorta run/walk I did a lot of 75 yard sprints. 
With each sprint I let one thing go.
15 sprints later I felt better. 
I didn't feel so insecure. Granted I will still have my moments. 
I remembered I need to keep the faith. 
In myself and the future. 
Just like President Uchtdorf said last night:
Forget not to be patient with yourself
Forget not the difference between good and foolish sacrifices
Forget not to be happy now
Forget not the 'why' of the Gospel
Forget not that the Lord loves you. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Favorite Boy

Gotcha...Nope I'm still happily single.
I've done posts about everyone in my family except one. 
Carter-my favorite littler brother!

This kid is awesome! 
He's super smart and has a wild imagination. 
He always gives me a hug when I cry.
He's my Strong Bad Email buddy!
He's  the one I watch the rough and tough movies with. 
This kid makes everyone laugh and can do the robot!
I'm so grateful that this boy still looks up to me and still wants 
to do things with me. He still thinks I'm cool. I miss him so much at school!
 I wish he wasn't growing up! 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dear Boys part onze

Dear Boy,
I'm confused.

Dear boys,
I'll try and wear my 80's
basketball shorts more.
I like getting whistled at.
80's wannabe

Dear Boy in Ward,
Loved your suit. Loved your
smile. Let's sit by each other a
again in Sunday School.

-Girl in the Red Dress

Dear FHE Brothers,
I miss you! Please come back!
Dance Party to Bongo Bong.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

100th post

I can't believe I have written 100 posts.
That's a lot of words right there.
Looking through some posts I can't believe how far I've grown in the
past year. Pretty soon I'll be saying good bye to my teen years.
I'm more comfortable with who I am then I was a year ago.
 I never thought people would like what I was actual writing and thinking.
Granted I have more followers than show on my Blog Page.
I've found Blogging as cheap therapy.
I can say how I feel and be honest to how I am feeling.
As I've been writing this blog I've realized yeah people should love you for who you are
but you need to love yourself for who you are.
Something I've have struggled with for most of my life.
Coming to terms with myself has been really freeing.

Me being the free spirit that my mom says I am,
 I feel this need to be free and
be accepted by those that are around me. I want to keeping going
and sharing myself with others.  Sometimes being a free spirit has made
me feel insecure.  Now its become my favorite part of myself.
I have ideas that come out of nowhere. I can connect with others.
I may be a feather, a reflection, and a fire but its me.
And I love me. I may have made mistakes in the past and I may not have luck with guys
but I wouldn't want to be anybody else.
I have my family and great friends that surround me.

{the music video that inspired my blog}

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Couples on campus need to pick up the pace. They are walking way to slow. 

I've decided Art Majors are interesting.  Either they have great taste in clothing or an outfit
that would make Clinton from What Not to Wear cry. 

Its official. I want a Mac! They are so much better!

Porter Park needs a new name. I won't even walk through it anymore. 

I have awesome roommates. AWESOME!

Ah Temple to Temple Relay on Saturday...I might die...

Alba is awesome! 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Long Walks In The Dark...

Since my back is giving me grief I've been talking long walks at night.
If you know me you know I relate to songs all the time. 
Because of these walks at night, leaving myself to my thoughts
I keep thinking of the song by Priscilla Ahn.

Since coming to college last fall I've been doing a lot of soul searching. 
I've thought a lot about my childhood and how wonderful it was. 
I've thought about my high school years and how glad I am not there anymore. 
How I've come to life in college. I'm being myself. 
I've been forgiving all those people that have hurt me.
I'm letting go and trying not to hold on so tight.
I've been forgiving myself. I'm embracing who I am.
I'm trying not to look at what I lack. 
I'm not going to be a wallflower anymore. 

Lately I've been asking God who he wants me to be. 
I want to become that person he wants me to be. 
I want to be better than I am now, its what I'm striving for. 
I just have this itch for something and I don't know what. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A funeral nobody asked for...

So you are probably this post a joke?
Well its not.
I'm dead serious about this. 
I'm holding a funeral/memorial sevice for my camera.
So here is the video....

So that was kinda awkward but I had fun doing so please! PLEASE
help get a new camera. Boys I'll sell my treats, Girls buy a super cute headband.
I'm trying to figure out shipping right now so just send me an email if you are
interested! I love you and I think you are super awesome from
reading my blog!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

You make me proud Papa!

Dad you have always made me proud!
I know you started running because of me and I was just this dumb
teenager that just didn't care. 
But you kept at it!
I've always looked up to you and you work hard in everything you do!
I loved watching how committed you've become to running.
Finally, once I got to college I started to run to; your a great example of exercise 
and being happy.
I wish I could have been there when you achieved this big goal!
Someday I hope to do a marathon with you. 
I just need to get healthy again and I'll start training hard core!

Love, ChloJo
{P.S. Can I come to Boston too?}

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear Boy part 10

I'm sure your thinking "HURRAH, she's finally back to writing Dear Boys again."
Well I'm excited to because they are my favorite post but I also have enjoyed 
not worrying about boys. So its like a love/hate relationship in a way. So I hope
I don't disappoint. 

Dear Boys on Campus, 
I promise I still don't 
bite! Stop the loafing and
hanging out. There are to
many pretty girls on campus.
the concerned

Dear Sweet Tooth(s), 
I've got a proposition, you
provide the ingredients I'll
make any dessert you 
girl in the kitchen 

Dear Adults/married people, 
I don't believe in dating.
Its against my religion(
jk my religion is for it)
Stop asking. 
-the water girl 

Dear Gym Boys, 
You make working out so 
much more worth while. 
Hard Core Biking Girl 

Dear Green, 
Thank goodness I have 
you to talk to. You
should show me your 
face sometime. 
-Girl in the normal clothes

Dear S, 
When are we going to do 
our deed? I hope soon!
Love, C

Dear Boy, 
I wish we could meet. It 
was good to not think about 
you while  I was working but 
now I'm back to BYU-I and 
now I can't stop thinking about
Love, Girl waiting

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mormon Girl

So one of my favorite blogs to follow {The Daybook} had 
an inspiring posts today! 

It got me thinking. Why is the 
Church of Jesus Christ so cool and why is it so important to me?
{1} I've received answer that this Church is true. It has the full gospel. 
Many churches my have some truth but not the fullness of the gospel
{2} It makes me happy
{3}With my major I feel more connected with my Heavenly Father and Christ.
They are the supreme creators. In my major I'm creating.
{4} A living Prophet and Apostles- They are watchmen in the tower
{5} The Book of Mormon-this book has made such an important impact on my life;
It is for our day
{6}It makes me a better person-some may say our rules and commandments 
are restrictive but in all reality they make us free
{7} Family-I'm sealed eternally to my parents and siblings. I am 
grateful for that blessing everyday 
{8}I don't think I would have so much faith in the future with out
this wonderful church; it keeps me moving forward
{9} I've come to know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and through him
I can do anything with his help
{10} I know that I am a princess of the most noble King because of 
Young Women's and Relief Society

To see a more detailed testimony of mine you can go to
mormon .org website to check it out. 

I've realized there has been so many times where I could have chosen not to go 
to church or not to stand up for my beliefs. I do those things because 
it makes me happy. 
That's what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want for me{/us}: to be happy :) !!

So I'll keep wearing modest clothing and hair in curls (its a girls camp song), reading my 
scriptures, praying, and listening to the promptings of the spirit. 
I'll go where my Father in Heaven wants me to go.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Ahh its that time again where I'm left to my thoughts on campus

College is expensive enough said and of course
I have an expensive major 

I love how more semesters behind the more people I know on campus
kinda makes me feel popular. 

I miss falling asleep to Strong Bad emails... those really put me to sleep

FYI for Freshmen Girls:
Just because guys keep coming over doesn't always mean they 
are interested in a girl. Most the time its because they are having fun
with that apartment.  

So glad I'm not a freshmen anymore

Sharla is awesome...I've missed her a lot

PDA, I wasn't looking forward to seeing you this semester

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day...New Semester

I've been meaning to have all these posts up. 
Like one about 9/11 and my change of plans Saturday night. 
But now its the first day of school and I've been itching to blog!

I only had 2 classes today.
New Testament and Health &Wellness.
I'm also using this day to do my online class.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will definitely be my easy days. 
Tuesday and Thursday could be death. 
So I just have so many good feelings about this semester. 
Really don't know why but I do. 
So did my mom so who knows what Heavenly Father has in store for me. 
I feel more confident. 
I feel  more mature.
I feel empowered. 
I've grown so much from my experiences last semester. 
I'm starting to find my voice that I suppressed in high school and needed time to be coaxed out. 
I'm becoming that person I want to be. 
I'm learning not to doubt myself. 
I'm choosing to be happy and an active participant in my family. 

So this semester what I'm looking forward to?
Intro to Graphic Design-finally getting into what I want to do
Health and Wellness-Its really going to push me out of my comfort zone
New Roommates-No problems so far
Me being myself
Smiling-lots of me smiling 
Adventures to be made and lots of people to meet

{Just finished a weeks worth of homework for my online class}

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm Back

You are probably wondering why I am blogging instead out doing fun things. 
Well for me I hate the packing and moving of all my things. 
It interrupts my flow. It is just to much all at once. 
It makes me tired and want to relax back into watery life. 
(My mom got some books about Ancient 
Chinese face reading: my prominent element is water; 
its rather interesting and as I was reading it 
I felt like the lady knew my soul) 
I want everything to soak in. 
For some reason its so much easier to transition back into life at home. 
So I'm looking over my classes waiting for friends to call back. 
Most likely have a pretty chill night. 
I know that doesn't sound like much fun but its what tonight calls for. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello old friend

Hello Running Shoes
 I've missed you so!
For the past 7 weeks I've had you buried deep in my duffle bag of shoes. 

So today I finally went on a run after maybe 2 months. I stopped
running because of previous injury re-flaring. NOT FUN!
So I figured I would take a break from the running and biked while I was up at school.
Did some strength training and lots of TLC(not The Learning Channel).
I forgot about exercising completely once I was working at the scale house. 
Luckily enough I lost some more weight working there. 
Scale house diet works.

So this morning after taking advantage of sleeping inm I got upstairs and asked 
Phoebe if she wanted to run. Once I said the word "RUN" she wouldn't stop shaking her butt.
{I don't think I have ever seen her so excited to go for a run before}

I got changed into my running gear and then she wouldn't stop whining 
while I was putting on my shoes. 
She was excited to be put on the leash. Weird Dog. 
I tried to run 3 miles. I'm so outta shape! And I was playing tug-o-war
with the dog. She has to smell everything. 
After I ran with her today I found she won't protect me. 
When we ran past a tractor she ran around me on the other
side so I was closer. What a pansy! If you have ever come to my house
you know she sounds mean but really she wouldn't put up much of a fight.

I love running, basically any physical activity. It keeps me sane and healthy.
And I love my dog! She's hilarious and my cuddle buddy.
Well at least one of those can go with me when I live in Rexburg. 
Sorry running shoes.....

Just Kidding! I wish I could take her! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It is done.

So today was my last day at the lovely Beetville Scale house.
I was sad I would have to leave Emily, Abraham, Andres, and Rod.
It has been a really fun year. 
I would say there wasn't any dull moments but I would be lying. 
There were plenty of times were Emily and I were going crazy from the boredom.
It gave me a lot of time to think about my life and where I'm heading. 
College, Major, Boys, ect. ect. 
It gave me time to read some wonderful books:
The Help, Emma, and Delivered from Distraction(its about ADD).

Amazingly enough I have made enough money in 4 weeks 
to survive for 4 months at BYU-I.
Better than my jobs at the beginning of year. 
So I think I do some sort of a Dear _____ post.
Don't know what but something awesome!