Thursday, September 22, 2011

100th post

I can't believe I have written 100 posts.
That's a lot of words right there.
Looking through some posts I can't believe how far I've grown in the
past year. Pretty soon I'll be saying good bye to my teen years.
I'm more comfortable with who I am then I was a year ago.
 I never thought people would like what I was actual writing and thinking.
Granted I have more followers than show on my Blog Page.
I've found Blogging as cheap therapy.
I can say how I feel and be honest to how I am feeling.
As I've been writing this blog I've realized yeah people should love you for who you are
but you need to love yourself for who you are.
Something I've have struggled with for most of my life.
Coming to terms with myself has been really freeing.

Me being the free spirit that my mom says I am,
 I feel this need to be free and
be accepted by those that are around me. I want to keeping going
and sharing myself with others.  Sometimes being a free spirit has made
me feel insecure.  Now its become my favorite part of myself.
I have ideas that come out of nowhere. I can connect with others.
I may be a feather, a reflection, and a fire but its me.
And I love me. I may have made mistakes in the past and I may not have luck with guys
but I wouldn't want to be anybody else.
I have my family and great friends that surround me.

{the music video that inspired my blog}

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