Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Boy part dymbëdhjetë

Ha it makes me laugh that I do numbers in different languages. Alba this one's for you.
Remember to check out Elise's Dear Boy post.

Dear Boys,
Really?! Ruuude!

Dear SG 107 & 109,
Your still my favorite! I promise
I'll bring brownies next time.
Adventure Time?
Girl in LJ 317

Dear Dad,
I'm super proud of you!
You rock like a boulder!

Dear S,
Thanks for listening.
I can always count on you!

Dear Boys on Campus,
Quit being pansies. If you
want to get to know the girl
go talk to her.
concerned observer

My theme song for the past week:

   And no I can't belch the alphabet
   No I didn't choose guitar
   and no I've never read Lolita

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