Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day...New Semester

I've been meaning to have all these posts up. 
Like one about 9/11 and my change of plans Saturday night. 
But now its the first day of school and I've been itching to blog!

I only had 2 classes today.
New Testament and Health &Wellness.
I'm also using this day to do my online class.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will definitely be my easy days. 
Tuesday and Thursday could be death. 
So I just have so many good feelings about this semester. 
Really don't know why but I do. 
So did my mom so who knows what Heavenly Father has in store for me. 
I feel more confident. 
I feel  more mature.
I feel empowered. 
I've grown so much from my experiences last semester. 
I'm starting to find my voice that I suppressed in high school and needed time to be coaxed out. 
I'm becoming that person I want to be. 
I'm learning not to doubt myself. 
I'm choosing to be happy and an active participant in my family. 

So this semester what I'm looking forward to?
Intro to Graphic Design-finally getting into what I want to do
Health and Wellness-Its really going to push me out of my comfort zone
New Roommates-No problems so far
Me being myself
Smiling-lots of me smiling 
Adventures to be made and lots of people to meet

{Just finished a weeks worth of homework for my online class}

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