Monday, September 26, 2011

Got Me Thinking

Soooo tonight I couldn't stand anymore. 
I was tired  whining to myself about the fact that I couldn't run. 
I decided I was going to run tonight no matter what it took. 
I would crawl if my knee hurt that bad. 
I pulled on an old brace and boy did that thing work wonders. 

So in my Health & Wellness we are talking about how 
it means to be well spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually, and socially. 
When I went on my run tonight I realized somethings. 
When I saw a shooting star I didn't even want to make a wish.
I needed to cry. 
I haven't been owning up to some feelings I've been feeling. 
Like on Saturday I blamed my crying on watching a scary movie and
tonight I realized that's not why I was crying. 
It was things I was trying to suppress. 
Instead of talking to someone about it I just ignored it. 
Of course when that happens it just explodes on me with a bad day. 
When I was running I realized there are things
I need to forgive others about instead of packing them around. 
I need to stop holding on so tight. 
I need to stop thinking about certain things to much. 
After a sorta run/walk I did a lot of 75 yard sprints. 
With each sprint I let one thing go.
15 sprints later I felt better. 
I didn't feel so insecure. Granted I will still have my moments. 
I remembered I need to keep the faith. 
In myself and the future. 
Just like President Uchtdorf said last night:
Forget not to be patient with yourself
Forget not the difference between good and foolish sacrifices
Forget not to be happy now
Forget not the 'why' of the Gospel
Forget not that the Lord loves you. 

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