Wednesday, June 6, 2012

all because two people feel in love

22 years ago today my parents got married for all time and eternity in the Logan Temple. 
I really couldn't have asked for better parents. 
They have taught me a lot. 
Their example and their love for each other is one of the many reasons why 
I look forward to the day when I can be sealed to my best friend. 
My parents have taught me the gospel and about life. 
They have taught me to be kind and forgiving. 
They've taught me how to work hard and to never settle for anything less. 
They understand and love me for who I am.

So here's to you Mom and Dad. 
I'm so glad you found each other and you show me and my siblings
everyday what love truly means. 
So keep holding hands and kissing in front of us. 
Because it is important to us, your children, to know you love each other. 

Honestly I just keep thinking I would be half a person if they hadn't met 
and didn't get married. Yeah that's just weird. 

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