Getting to see Mr. Cosby! Probably one the greatest moments in my life.
Girls night with Miss Katrea! I almost wanted to ball my eyes out during a Walk to Remember.
Sorbet. I've become quite addicted to the stuff and I need to stop buying it!
French music thats taking over my iPod. Really trying to submerse myself in the langue. I'm slowly getting there. Not fluent. But at least I can do greetings, give descriptions of people, count to a trillion(yes be jealous), I can say I don't know and I'm lost. Le Prince Charmant probably my favorite right now.
I was quite okay going out in public with no makeup on. It felt refreshing. But your not getting a picture of the experience.
I'm going home for Father's Day! I'm so ready for a visit home and be with ma famille!
Catching myself starting to spell words in french in a text :)
Deciding to push for zero dates this semester. Trust me it is possible and no don't tell me I shouldn't think like that. I want to and you can't stop me. Don't give me that look I've made up my mind.
Finally deciding that most guys for the most part don't mean to hurt you. They just don't know. And if they seem like jerk they really aren't. It just means they aren't meant for you but are perfect for some other girl that really needs him.
This really isn't good but its weird. The two guys that I've kissed were both named Dallin. Bizarre I know and your wondering how that could even happen. We will save those two stories for another day and time. Which probably means never on this blog.
Talking to my mom on the phone! Some may say I call her to much but she's my best friend and I need her when no one else understands!
Owning up to how I feel and accepting things as they are.
Finding out from the doctor all my thyroid levels are fine but one. Most of that is good but good grief thyroid why does one need to be low!
And I leave you with two favorite songs write now:
cause really I want is to be free!
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