Saturday, June 23, 2012


I want sleep all the time. More than normal, sadly. Went to the doctor. Got my medication, that was starting to cause problems, readjusted and I'm taking a lower dose now. There have been some calls home with many tears and lots of frustrations talked out but things should be getting better. Besides that my French is sorta getting better {have I mentioned I got a 100% on my oral evaluation}. I feel like homework is kind of drowning me. I just love it when school just throws up on me.
Life is crazy but beautiful at the same time. I've got awesome roommates, wonderful friends from class so I really can't complain.  I'm eating brownie batter for breakfast {I know you are super jealous}
And yes I can't help but smile that everyone ad their dog are getting engaged. Its good to here that there are guys out there that are good and aren't wasting their life away. And yes I'm 20 years old{21 in 5 months YIKES!} and that doesn't mean I need to get married right away or even be worried by the word marriage. Heck I don't need to start worrying until I'm 35. Then I can worry like a crazy person. But for now there is no need to worry. I'm happy and trying to get healthy.

God is good and He blesses me everyday to find something to smile about. Whether is some random stranger waving at me on campus or a phone call to my mom. He's always looking out for me. I may mountians that seem impossible to conquer but I can with the Savior's help. I can be happy because of His atonement. Faith. I have faith everything will get better and everything will fall into proper place. 

{One of my favorite stories from the Gospels}

Je ressens son amour dans le monde autour de moi. Je ressen son esprit dans tout ce que je vois. Il sait que je le suivrai, ma vie lui donnerai. Je ressens tout l'amour qu'll m'offre chaque jour. {Guess what song this is with out google translate. Well try at least with out google translate.} Oh and other cool thing I can sing I'm a Child of God in French. That makes me pretty happy!

Je t'aime. :) Smile and be happy today!

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