Monday, June 11, 2012

Halfway Mark

Wow. Registering for my junior year of college. Kind of strange when I feel like I have some classes where I need to focus on bringing my grade back up! Ugh I know terrible of me but when you focus your attention on one class that is super important to you some classes can get forgotten. So yes I have officially registered for my for first semester as a junior and their is this great possibility I could stay in the burg during winter semester and continue my studies so I can graduate sooner. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing with minor/clustering. To just do a minor in business or do a cluster in business and another cluster. Ah sometimes I wish what I was supposed to do. Getting the answer to not do BFA was a blessing because I realized how stressed I would be by just doing Graphic Design (three classes of art a semester, INTENSE) and the big huge project I would be doing. Realizing I want to do my own business and making clients and people happy was enough for me!  So this semester its about Art History II, Printmaking I, Introduction to Business, Preparing for Eternal Marriage(don't be getting ideas, I'm just trying to make myself better!), Beginning French II, and of course finishing up Art Seminar for the final time! Its interesting to finally be here at the halfway mark of college. Where did time go? I may not be  getting perfect grades(AKA straight As) but I am doing my best. And I'm learning to be happy with who I am and with where my life is taking me. Realizing being healthy and happy is the most important thing a person can have. Friends come after that and really it doesn't matter if you have 1 friend or 20 friends as long as you are confident about yourself. 

I know its early to say what this semester has taught me but I've been taught so much already. 
I've been doing a lot of things on my own, going to the park, things on campus, devotional ect. because I wanted to be okay with doing things by myself. I wanted to know that I'm okay with out going by myself. Something fun can still be fun by myself.  I don't need to worry myself sick because I didn't have someone to go with me. How to be more considerate of others. I don't think I have ever done so well with dishes before. I'm okay with doing everybody's dishes because it makes me feel good to do something that nice and I'm staying on top of my dishes. You are beautiful even if you don't get dates. In Rexburg there are two types of girls. Those who get asked on a date all the time(3/10 girls) and those who just aren't asked on dates(7/10 girls).  You can probably guess which one I am.  This semester I have learned how timid and shy guys actually are. You may show interest but they still don't know that you do like them or they just don't know what they want from a girl. Don't worry one will come along.
Sometimes your thyroid can be a wench and a half but you can rise above it with the help of amazing friends and family. And to those going to college for the first time in the fall real friends will still be your friends when times get tough and they help you get through it. Not so great of friends leave you on the curb and just ignore you. 

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