Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear {Blank} Special!

I'm so excited for tomorrow I could wet my pants!!! Ok, Ok
I probably won't wet my pants. Sorry to crush your dreams.

So for today rather than just my dear boys post
I'm going to do what Dear what ever I feel like!:)

Dear Testing Center,
You no longer scare me. I've
got some decent test scores
to prove it!

girl with testing anxiety

Dear girls on campus,
I realize why you were wearing
skirts so much. that is all.

-a dedicated pant wearer

Dear Refrigerator,
This is the barest you've
been all semester.
the starving college student

Dear Peanut Butter,
Thanks for filling me up!
Its been quite of week of
really nothing to eat.

the peanut butter monster

why must you be so difficult!

Dear Nose,
I'm glad you are feeling better.
Now if only you could convince
Knee to do the same thing,


Dear Meagan,
I need to see you before I leave!
I love you and need some
cat lovin' from you!


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