Monday, July 18, 2011

Murphy's Laws

{If you haven't noticed, I've been using no pictures or old pictures in posts.
I've been without my camera. I left it the last time I went home. 
Sorry. I should have some pictures this week from roommates 
So I hope you have been enjoying the picture-less posts.}

You like a boy, boy doesn't like you back.
Different boy likes you, you don't like him back.

You do the assignment-teacher changes the due date.
You don't do the assignment, its due that day. 

If its going to feel a lot longer 
than it is when you wait for something.

Anything that can go wrong, it will. 

Nothing is as easy as it looks.

If everything seems to be going well, 
its time for a reality check.

Mother Nature is a let's just say she's hormonal

In order to get a personal loan you must prove that you don't need it.

When something is broken and you take it in to get fixed, it starts working again.

Once you lose something and you replace it, the lost item will reappear.

When waiting for traffic, chances are that when one lane clears the other is congested.

If you apply Murphy's Law, it will no longer be applicable.

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