Monday, July 25, 2011

Favorite Quotes from the weekend

{The Doctor had told me I may have a type of acne on the side of my nose that old people get}
"I thought the things on the side of your nose were senile Acne."
"No, but that still happens to old people except the go crazy." 

Watching the preview for Captain America, and when the guy comes out of the machine all full of muscle and has grown a foot, my sisters at the exact same time, "Oh my gosh..."-drool was running down their faces. :)

Carter turns to me during HP7:2 after Voldemort hugs Malfoy, "That was one weird hug!"

"She'll be that roommate or co-worker who eats other peoples food, even if their name is written on it."

"Dear, thanks for being the best, most beautiful, awesome wife ever"
I turn to  my Dad and say"There is no charge for attractiveness or awesomeness!"
We burst up laughing.

"I think the word Pothead should be used more"

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