Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Boys part 七個

 I'll be confined in a scale house for 7 weeks with nothing but
 truck drivers and the occasional farmer coming in to see what
the heck is wrong with his grain.  So I'll do my best in keeping
up with Dear Boys just realize they won't be that exciting. I don't
think you'll want hear about the people a meet at work.

Dear Viking Village 107,
Best FHE brothers ever, I've said it
so many times. We have had
a lot of good times. Thanks for
taking care of us in 204!

Chloe and La Jolla 204
P.S. Here is a song dedicated just for you. Joey
we still need to go in front of Wendy's and
dance to this by the road. Everyone will be jealous!

Dear S, 
I'll miss you for the 7 week break. 
We'll be reunited soon and will have
the other S with us. Then we can do
our "dirty deed". :)

Dear Boys on Campus, 
I think I'll wear my Aviators more
often. Are you giving be double
 takes 'cause I'm so gorgeous
 or I'm just intimidating. I'll see 
you in 7 weeks and hopefully 
you giving  me headaches 
will have stopped. 
Peace out!
Babe in Aviator Sunglasses

Dear Random Guy, 
We had a cool conversation 
while waiting to get in the Testing
Center to actually take our test. 
It was fun. 
-Girl waiting in Line 

Dear Boy, 
I promised myself I wouldn't write to you again
but it actually makes me happy that I write you. 
Someday you'll read these little letters and  
smile. Don't be surprised if I throw mud in 
your face for fun. I'm no delicate thing! :)
girl waiting
 P.S. I have a song just for you too

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