Friday, July 15, 2011

Dear Boys part enam

Dear 5,
You broke up with you gf. I
decided to flirt it up a bit. You
stayed the same. I realized
I'm really not your type.


Dear S,
We go creep on the jerks, eat ice
cream, go for a run. It's fun! Thanks
for being a great Home Teacher.
Love, C

Dear Boys,
I still see to many single, gorgeous
girls on campus. Ask them out!
(not me, THEM!)
a concerned girl

Dear getting tan,
You're a guy. You're laying out.
You're honestly creeping my out!
Go play ball with you buddies
and get a tan like a real man.
disturbed girl

Dear Sweaty Boy,
You look just like Finn(Glee). Thanks
for working out right in front of me. To
bad you have a girlfriend.

-biking girl

Dear Boy,
I'm still waiting and dreaming. I've decided I need to
stop thinking about you so much and preparing myself
instead. Doing things that make me happy so you can
see me happy. I'll keep waiting but not thinking
to much. When we find each other, we'll make others
Girl waiting

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