Sunday, July 31, 2011

Those Pictures I Promised

So I am finally showing the many adventures I had in Logan. 
It was a lot of fun {except the part where Lauren kept kicking in her sleep}
When we got there we got our car unloaded and loaded up in Grandma Dandy's car.

We took a little drive to the Pepperidge Farm factory in Richmond.

Went to the Fatboy Factory and went to Casper's for some ice cream!

 Next day we went to some antique shops and got some treats.
No trip to Logan is complete without Aggie Ice Cream

No ice cream even compares to Aggie Ice Cream, I wish I had a constant supply of it.
But then again I would be fat and I wouldn't want that so....I'll take it when I'm visiting!

And yes my face is really red-in pursuit of clear skin I dried
my skin out even more to the point it was fried {used a moisturizer that I shouldn't have}.

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