Saturday, July 23, 2011

Final Project

So I'm just barely finishing up my final class which is Design and Color. 
I had a lot more fun with this class than my Drawing 110 class which was death.
(But hey I passed it and won't have to take it again!)
The color part just made it better.
Graphite and Charcoal can get pretty boring and messy.
I would much rather get paint messy for sure!
I still had a love/hate relationship with it because it was an online class.
I hate online classes and I really hate them if they are an art class. 
If its an art class I like to be in the same room as my teacher.

So I thought I would share my final project with you.
It took up to 16 hours of all picking it out. Making a value composition of it.
And Final painting it. 
I hope you like! Cause I sure do!

I promise to get up a better scan of it!

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