Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Boys part dix-sept

Dear Boys,
Some of you have been making me
feel rather confused. Thanks,
Thanks a lot!

Dear Fantastic Mr. Fox,
Thanks for always being there!
Can always count on you!
You are definitely the coolest
in 101.

Dear Green,
Glad we have finally had
a chance to talk! Thanks for
listening to me complain
about life.
-normal clothes

Dear  Guy in MC,
Thanks for the double take.
It made me feel good!
-Green eyes


Here's something I'm starting on. I'm using Illustrator to get the final product. I'm super excited about it and I'm making it into a poster!

1 comment:

  1. cute new look! :) i love the navy blue/yelllow! :) such great colors!
