Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Whom it May Concern 2

To Whom it may concern:
Would you please get off my back about marriage. I am just fine being single.
Can you just accept me as I am. Can you please accept that I could get married
at *gasp* 23. Would you just accept that I don't date and that I'm better at being
friends with guys. I'm flattered that you think I could have a date every night of
the week but thats not me. Let me be the girl I want to be. Let me grow and
experience life without the extra stress.  Let me be my own kind of beautiful.
Stop comparing me to other girls or "her" in particular! Just love me for me. Just
look at me for who I am. Let me speak my mind. Let me be me.

I love myself for who I am and you, you apparently don't know me.


Boy that felt good. Ha I think feel better now.


  1. Chloe, I love you for who you are and I love this! It makes me laugh whenever you do these because she is so funny! I love you girl! Don't ever forget it!

  2. Sweetie, just wait until you reach the age of spinsterhood (cough. 25. cough). They start patting you on the arm as they say "I'm sure you'll find someone sweet like your little brother did before you!!" Little do they all know that I'm the happiest that I've ever been, I have an amazing job, a shiny new car, moving into a new apartment and my life is awesome!!
    Soapbox rant = over.
    You're beautiful and amazing, and I love you.

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