Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Listen, Read, Think, Do, Repeat

I've been listening to this all the time on my iPod.
It makes me feel good.
It reminds me of the things I should always consider everyday.

I've also been reading this a article a lot. I have a book of it thanks to Josi. 
Its my favorite. 

I've been thinking about what was said at our Stake Conference.
At first I was annoyed...the whole marriage talk thing. {when have I not been}
But after thinking about it for a while I realized it is a good thing they talk about it. 
Its something I should be preparing for and have a better attitude about it. 
I shouldn't turn on my self and say I'm not worth it because in God's Eye
I'm worth a lot. He loves me and wants the best for me. 
He'll have me meet the boy of my dreams when the time is right. 
I can't give up on myself when I know I have Heavenly Father and Christ backing me up. 
I'm working on not being such cynic about love and boys. I should be more positive.
I should prepare and not worry about what some people think.  
A friend of mine said this ," It will be all okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end."

So I'm going to listen to what my Stake Presidency and Elder Busche have to say.
I'm going to read the words of Living Prophets.
I'm going to think about what Heavenly Father wants for me.
I'm going to do what all of those men and my Heavenly Father Want me to do.
And then I'm going to repeat.

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