Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hansel and Gretel

So coming home this weekend wasn't just for my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary.
I of course came to see the performance of Hansel and Gretel by the Ballet Conservatory. 
Lauren was the mother. Not that evil step-mother you've all read about. Psh.
She got mad that the children spilled the cream and sent them out of the house. 
Typical for any mother on a budget.
Geez I sure hope she didn't leave the church over some cream.
Lauren was also an angel.
Before the performance Aubrie and I had a little fun with the camera.

And yes you missed out on the commentary of Hansel and Gretel.
My sister and I are hilarious!

This is the third time I've watched Hansel and Gretel. And I love watching it 
each year! I can't believe how amazing of a dancer my sister is becoming!
She's definitely headed to becoming a Prima Ballerina! 
I promise better pictures in the future. 
Still getting a hang of this new camera.

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