Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Am Blessed

I am grateful for many different things

{1} My Mother- I call her everyday-even if its the little things

{2} My Papa- he's my hero and I count on his sound advice

{3} My siblings- I used to think they would never miss me but they have proved me wrong

{4} An apartment-it gets really cold here, I like being warm
{5} My creative abilities- I love being an art major-graphic design is so much fun

{6}My friends-I don't no where I would be without them

{7}Lindsey-she is an amazing roommate, she has made this semester so much fun

{8} Food-who isn't grateful for food...seriously who isn't

{9}BYU-I-I'm at the place I need to be

{10} Modern Medicine- I'm glad my thyroid is back to normal

{11}Cars- I wouldn't have been able to come home

{12}The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints-this is where I find happiness

{13}Computers-gots to keep up with everyone

{14}Texts that make me smile

{15}a phone call from a friend

{16} Lunch with Alba

{17}Answers to Prayers
{18} My Savior Jesus Christ-his atonement is everything to me

{19}My Heavenly Father-He knows who I am and he knows what I need

{20}To be me-Everyday I get to pursue my dreams and goals 

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