Monday, November 14, 2011

Moments that Matter Most

You know those moments when you feel so good and 
you can't figure out why you were sad before. 
Its probably because you forgot for just a moment how good life really is. 

We watched this video in New Testament. 
I've watched it before and it just made an impression this time around. 
I love Mormon Messages and the feeling of doing good that comes from them. 
And I love President Uchtdorf''s talks. 
They make me smile!

There are times when we have a choice to be quick to anger or to let it go.
I learned as I have gotten older attitude is everything. 
I've learned to laugh at the situation when everything is going wrong.
Which is a big deal for me because when I was younger I would just get mad
and angry at a situation.  
 In the moments that matter most is where we can see how to be happy. 
It is those moments that we are reminded we need to slow down and
remember how blessed we are.
Just stop, remember, and go with a brighter attitude on life!

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