Monday, November 28, 2011

Warm, Fuzzy Feeling

I made this today
{I'm really going to miss having illustrator when ever I need it. 
Someday I'll have it on my very own iMac...someday is quite a ways away.}
I'm glad I found this quote today because it gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
I needed to have that feeling. 
I needed to be reminded of my worth and how much Heavenly Father has 
blessed  and all the many talents he has given me. 
I need to silence that negative critic in my head. 
Remember I get to choose to be happy.  {Thanks for the reminder Miss Elise!}
Mistakes made in the past don't define me or things that happened to me. 
The future should be welcomed with a smile. 
And show love to the person I am and what I can do.  
Time to trust my abilities. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. You are awesome. And I loooove the quote, and your design for it. Illustrator is the best.
