Sunday, April 10, 2011

6 days but who's counting?

I see the tunnel in the light! It's almost time for me to go back to school and to embark 
on a new adventure in life. Taking on 16 credits and finding a job to bring in a 
little income...Sounds like fun right? 
There are going to be things that I miss that's certain. 
Well I'm certianly not going to miss the random snow storms throughout the month of April.
Thank you El Nina for providing my discomfort.
Woke up to this and it melted!
Came home to this after a long day of work and it was somewhat
magical! :)
It was still snowing hence the reflection of the light
on the snow...

But I will miss...
My mom and her healthy good cooking. Eating healthy at school can get expensive
but I know its possible. My mom was constantly giving me advice,
unconditional love, and full belly. She taught me to
take care of myself health wise and was a constant best friend. I
want to be just like her when I grow up! She's an amazing woman!!!!

I'm going to miss my dog, Phoebe...We've become good buds these past
months and she's my cuddle buddy. There were days where 
I was so tired(from my thyroid) I would fall asleep with her on a the 
recliner. She would keep me warmer and made me happy!

I'm going to miss my dad's sound advice.  He was a constant reminder
that I can be happy and I can take care of my self and control
my spending :). He's such great man and...I like every little girl
I want to marry someone like my dad! <3

I'm going to miss the good times that I had in singles ward! I'm going to miss my
awesome Bishop! He truly made feel special! I'm going to miss the rest of the 
bishopric and their wives! They are such wonderful people and made me feel 
welcome and loved.  Yes for a while things gotten shaken up but that can't stop the goodness of the
singles ward! I'm going to miss my institute buddy Kevin Hedges! 
What a great person. He he's turly has a special spirit about him. and you can't help but smile
when your with him!

I'm going to miss my siblings! I've had so much fun with them...going to conference 
and watching movies! I'm so grateful that they do look up to me and 
that they are my best friends despite our disputes. They are wonderful!!!

I'm going to miss home and I'm glad that its always there for me to come home. 
I have felt so safe and taken care of. This is where I grew up...This is where I learned 
to become a good person. This is where I learned the gospel. This is where I turn to 
when I feel lost or to feel love. This is my home and it goes where ever
my family goes!

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