Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter and Ect.

I love college!!! I'm so happy to be back in Rexburg...Granted the weather has thrown a few 
hurdles but thats okay at least most of the time I'll have to wear a light jacket. 
All of my classes are great! I thought I was crazy for doing 16 credits but its proved to be a good thing so far.
I really like being busy. I've picked up waking at 
6:45 AM. Either to leave for an early class or to go for a run. It
has really made the difference with how I feel about my thyroid issues. (Plus side I've lost some 
unwanted weight). I great roommates this semester(I'll introduce them later)!
 The things I find in Brolium's!
I'm even swimming. I look so legit with my gear! hehe

So for Easter my roommates wanted to color eggs. And that's exactly 
what we did at midnight on Saturday.  Needles to say we had so much fun! They are hilarious and super 
fun girls! Our imagination for the eggs were awesome!!
 Briana and Alex
 Tracey and Alba
 Lauren and me
 All of our handy work!! :)

Happy Easter Everybody!!

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