Saturday, April 30, 2011

7 pounds

Nope not the movie! I have lost 7 pounds!! I am so excited! In the two weeks of 
living at school I have actually lost weight!! 
Things got hard when I was diagnosed with Hoshimoto's disease 
(an auto immune disease that attacks the thyroid). Definitely a battle.
I gained weight so fast from that and board-em eating during my first semester of college.
I would workout and nothing happened...I started to lose hope.
While I was home I was pretty apathetic about working out and what I should
eat. I was tired all the time while I was starting to take medication and feeling better.  There would be days where I would cry in the mirror because I felt fat and very unbeautiful.  I hated going in public and having people look at me.   I felt like they were judging and guys didn't want to date me.
I was holding on to life to tight(I still tend to do that but I'm changing that).
One thing that completely changed my outlook was my mom told 
me it was okay to take care of myself.
There is nothing selfish about it. Once I got to school I was taking care of myself. 
Getting up early to eat an awesome breakfast(scheduled of course). 
Another great thing is swimming and running. The swimming pool at the Hart is my best friend!
Now I just need to add biking and I could do a triathlon!( Totally considering it! 
Maybe a half marathon).  Everyday I feel better about myself! 
I love who I am and what direction I am headed.

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