Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beautiful Me :)

So I got this idea from another blog by Ashley.  I thought it was definitely worth doing!
There are times in our lives as women and girls that 
we feel inadequate or not good enough.  
That's the Devil speaking. He doesn't want us to feel good about ourselves, he doesn't want us to feel empowered. We are daughters of God and we are BEAUTIFUL! 
I believe all women and girls
are precious Princesses, Daughters of a King. Despite the different 
trails we may have in our life we will always be beautiful to 
our families, spouses, boyfriends, best friends, and our Heavenly Father!
We should never forget that! Be the best person you can absolutely be!!!!!

Hi I am Chloe!!
These are the things I love about myself:
{1} My big chameleon eyes! (Yes they change color)
{2} My naturally curly brown hair
{3} My smile 
{4} I love that I am funny
{5} I love big buff arms...I don't even left weights
{6}My silly faces that I do for no reason
{7} I love my beautiful self!

(You can do it too!! Just link back to Ashley)

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