Sunday, April 3, 2011

What an amazing weekend... :D

This weekend was fantastic.  I got to work as a server all of Saturday and did great in tips!
(I love my job!) The only downside was I didn't get to watch General Conference with the family...That's okay the problem was easily fixed with downloading the podcasts today 
so I can listen to them and even listen to the Priesthood session(which is just fantastic, 
my gratitude grows for the priesthood when i listen to that particular session). 
Today I got to go to the Afternoon session of Conference with my family!
 Almost in SLC
Isn't it gorgeous!
 I was really proud of the seats Lauren and I were able to secure! Best seats we have ever gotten.
 25,000 people gathering together for one purpouse. To here our Prophets speak!
I really don't like this picture of me but my sisters look absolutely gorgeous so I had to share!
I love the story behind this particular "Holiness To The Lord Sign". 
Click here for a part of the story. (It's 7th paragraph) 
 What an Iconic Temple! An Ensign!
I love going! It's such a blessing to have that building where so many people can go and be in the presence of our General Authorities and our living Prophet! I Also go to see my best friend Josi! 
 For awhile I thought I wasn't going to be able to see her until harvest but we actually 
got to meetup at the Joesph Smith Memorial Building! I was so glad to get a 
hug from her finally! I love  our talks on Tuesdays and I've felt like I haven't talked 
to her in 3 weeks...which is how long I haven't talked to her :).  
Today was one of those days where I felt so blessed. I was able
be with my family and I listen the Prophet's voice! We lived in a blessed time where we have a
living Prophet today and Heavenly Father Speaks through all of his servants. 
I know this to be true!

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