Sunday, August 28, 2011

1 more week?

Grain harvest is slowing down....Just one more week at least and 
then I'll be satisfied to be done. My days feel all mushed together.
Its just the same thing everyday. 
Don't get me wrong things can get hopping in the scale house.
One moment it can be slow and then BAM! 20 trucks come right at once. 
I've really enjoyed getting to know Emily, my awesome scale house partner. 
We have dedicated the beginning and the end of our day to Michael Buble. 
We learn Spanish from Andres and Abraham...thank goodness I know more than
just my usual "I need my buckets emptied please" in Spanish.
We laugh and talk about BYU-I-Do( or Don't in my case hehehe)
 and her amazing mission to Ireland and Scotland.

So maybe in one week I'll be able to write a decent post that isn't about harvest
or grain or me working in a scale house. 
That why I haven't posted at all. I don't want to bore with how exciting 
I got when somebody's Soft White Wheat got a test weight of 65 lbs a bushel.
(The significance of it is, is average for SWW is 58-61)
Thats pretty much what the conversation at our house because my Dad works for Agrisouce
the company my sister and I work for during grain harvest. 
Then in 2 weeks I'll be back at school where there are more boys to write about 
instead of the truck drivers, farmers, and pit men that I encounter everyday.

So adios! I'll post something happy and exciting in a week or so. 
Depends on what I do this week...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yes, of course I am going to cry

I hate good byes.
Sometimes I hate certain types of change. 
Like things not being the same way with your friends in high school. 
Where you have to start paying for things. 
Mom and Dad aren't there to always take care of you.
When our girls from Taiwan have to leave us.
I don't want Isabela and Grace to leave.
They have become my sisters just like Mia and Nicky!
Grace loves Ice Creams and Isabela loves to cook. 
These girls are so sweet and so amazing!
I'm going to ball my eyes out tomorrow morning!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Stellar Picture

So I have to share one of my favorite pictures.
One look at this puppy and I can't stop smiling!
Thank you Mallory for taking this!

Oh Grandpa Keith what would we do with out you.
Life would simply be boring.

I've been at work {obviously}

I've started working at the scale house and its making me tired.
I guess its just the fact that I'm not able to take a nap but I'm getting better sleep than normal.
Go to bed 10-10:30 at night and then wake up at 7.
I'm doing the computer stuff this year. Its kinda a nice trade after doing sample taking
and doing state samples all the time my first year. 
I add Bushels  up and transfer tickets to the main office.
I make sure everything goes to right places and mixes aren't caused by me. 
An added bonus is I sound smart when people ask me about my job. 
I have written somethings for the blog but I'm so tired I don't even want to think words anymore. 
I just want to watch me some Strong Bad because his voice makes me laugh
and for some reason he's been putting me to sleep too. 
I'm such a nerd ;) For some reason I'm a lot happier to come home this semester. 
It could be because the break is short and
 I'm work full time plus some overtime. 
I am really thankful for this job. It works perfectly with my 7 week break. 
And now I'll have money for school and some new clothes. 
I'll try do better this week and post my awesome thoughts that come into my head!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dear Boys part siyam

Dear Blue Shirt,
I thought you were
really cute and we did exchange
a few words. You stood up
and you were short...
-gray shirt

Dear Boy,
I don't think you remember
me but I sure remember you.
I'll make sure I'm super cute
again because you weren't
at church today.
-Girl in the red dress

Dear J,
I didn't really get to know
you during FHE but I am
now. Its lots of fun and
we'll have to hang out in the
fall. And hopefully you won't
reject my brownies, then.
P.S. Bridge Jumping soon?

Dear Strong Bad,
You are hilarious and
I am watching your videos
everyday. Hopefully you'll
have a new video soon!
wasting time on the internet

Dear Electrician,
You're seriously creeping me out.
I'm not going to respond to
your flirting. I'm flattered but
really I'm not a fan of tattoos
and smoking. Go find somebody
your own age.
scale girl


This a belated post....I should have done this at least on Tuesday or Monday....

I would like you to meet Isabela {Right} and Grace{Left}!

They are our exchange students from Taiwan. They only have 2 more weeks with us :,(.
It started out rough-I just lose my words and don't know what to say. 
Plus they're as nervous as I am about it. 
Their English is great and it improves everyday. I'm so glad they are staying at our house. 
My sisters and I took them shopping in Twin Falls.
We introduced them Subway-They liked it! {who wouldn't} 
They loved American Eagle!!! {All of the other girls staying at different houses loved it too}
What can I say they have good taste! And they got good practice counting American
American Eagle is our favorite store at the Woodhouse home. 
They explored the rest of the mall and got a little embarrassed when we went into Victoria Secret :)
We got perfume there!
We went to Best Buy because Grace wants an iPod Touch- but it was still to expensive in America
Then we took them to see Perrine Bridge and to Shoshone Falls.
That was really fun. They had never seen big falls before. 
We ended the day with fried  rice made by my mom {they said it was just like home}
We watched a movie{Time Travelers Wife} and a game of Uno.

I love these girls so  much. Its only been a week and I am very attached to them. 
Its been fun because I am closer in age and going to college just like them. 
Maybe I should learn Mandarin and go to Taiwan to learn faster. 
Then I could be with all of my friends from Taiwan again. 

They are making cookies with my mom right now. 
My mom's good at being a mom. She takes care them and is their mom too. 
She did the same for Nicky and Mia. These girls are very much apart of are family.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dear Girls part one

This could be interesting...I really don't know how its going to go.
But upon request I am doing it.  I hope you like it! :)

Dear J & S
You are my best friends!
I love you and I don't know
what I would do with out
you! I'm so glad we can
be crazy together!


Dear BYU-I Girls,
Most of you are drunk on love.
Some of you are making me sick
by your constant swooning.
Do something else with
your life besides being
not so desperate

Dear Girl,
Stop playing dumb. Obviously
you are not if you are on the
Honor Roll. Its not cute and
rather annoying.
no hard feelings,
smart girl

Dear Girl,
Stop asking boys out. Really.
Mostly stop telling others
to do it. If the guy really likes
her he'll ask her out. No need
to force something thats not
meant to be.
-a patiently waiting girl

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

{Whimsical} Wednesday :Audrey Hepburn

{I hope to get this poster soon for my room}

Oh Audrey, she is my favorite!
I used to watch her my Fair Lady movie when I was little. 
But thats not when I loved Audrey. 
I think my Audrey Hepburn fetish started when I was in 6th-7th grade. 
One of my friends had the movie Funny Face, so I got it too because I loved it. 
Then I got Roman Holiday-I loved the idea of a princess escaping and touring Rome for a day.
Then I saw Breakfast at Tiffany's-iconic! I love her clothes and her becoming brave about her life. 
I got that for myself on Valentines day{you can do things like that when you are single}
Then there was Love in the Afternoon. A roommate logged me into her netflix 
and I was an instant fan-I love how Ariane is able to draw in Mr. Flannagan by using her father's cases.
Alba even gave me an Audrey Hepburn necklace, that I absolutely adore.
Then there is Sabrina {NOT the 1990's version} I love everything about it. Bought it
as a reward for a my good grades for the semester!

One reason  I love Audrey is she is classy, fashionable, optimistic, and a humanitarian.
Notice the quotes I have up on this blog. 
She had her own style, and lots of people want to be "so Audrey" when clothing comes to play
 She stopped her career so she could be with her two sons more.  
She was a huge advocate for UNICEF a and went to Africa. 
I hope to own most of her one to buy is How to Steal a Million.
I am a nut for old movies and Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To Whom it May Concern

To whom it may concern:
I'm grateful that you care about me and hope I get the best in my life...
but really I'm tired of getting asked,"Do you have a boyfriend {yet}?"
If I did I'm sure you would already know. I hate it! I feel like I'm being
judged! I'm happy with out one. I just haven't met the right guy yet I guess.
Dating is not what my life is about yet or will it ever be. Its not going
to consume me like other girls. I hardly get asked out on dates ever
and its no big deal for me! It took me until college to realize
nothing is wrong with me because I don't date religiously or ever.
I'm just better at being great friends with guys than being a dating material.
Its okay, I'm accepting for what it is. Maybe someday , a boy will
appreciate that I'm good at being friends with boys. He'll be glad
I'm not a BYU-I love-crazed girl. He'll be glad I don't put pressure
on the first date like some girls. He'll think smart{I don't play dumb},
he think I'm funny{I'll tell it as it is}, and happy{I don't depend on
others to be happy, they're an added bonus}. It is not something
I am going to force. It will happen when I least expect it. So please
stop asking about it and I promise you'll know when it happens.
I still love you.  But please...please stop asking. Next time just
ask me how my semester is or if I had fun...It more exciting than
hearing "Nope!"


Tuesday's {Thoughts}

You would think I love to pull weeds with how much I've been doing at home. 

As I've gotten older I realize I don't need to hang out with people who don't
 like me, despite what others say. I'll hang out with the people that
 like me for me. Forcing and pretending is so high school. 

Everybody at our house loves raspberries. The people, the dog, and the chickens.

Singles ward at home-so much better in the summer! 

Our girls from Taiwan are so sweet!

Thunderstorms at night are my favorite.
I get all wrapped up in some blankets and watch it for hours. 

Change is change-its good and bad at the same time!

I wish harvest would start already! I need  money for school!