Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Christmas!

Christmas was just amazing. 
My parents kept the surprises coming.
Christmas  Eve with The Night Before Christmas pop-books.
Oh I loved the illustrations. {Excellent example of good design}
{Isn't it adorable! Check it!}

I actually fell asleep relatively fast. That's a first.
Then was woken up at 7:15 we could have at least slept in another couple hours. 
I was surprised by Santa with Adobe Creative Sweep 5.5.
I'm so excited to have it when ever I want to create.
I finally have a header I absolutely adore! 
It was a Christmas to me! 
And a added bonus I got skinny jeans that are size 6 :)
{A SIZE SMALLER! Yay for a thyroid that works!}

So here are the scenes of a Woodhouse Christmas:

 {And I actually looked decent this year. Yay for cute pj's!}

{Couldn't forget the dog!}

After church the rest of the day of course was spent eating
and watching movies.  The best way to spend Christmas really!
I can't believe another has gone by.
A good year it has been. It started out rough
but just kept getting better.
Maybe I'll do a year in review

What do you think of my new header? 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Before Christmas

I'm giving a sneak peak of the fun trip I am having with my family. 
I'll have lots to write about and lots to tell but
I am tired.
So I leave you with this!

Friday, December 16, 2011


I was so blessed this semester to have Miss Lindsey House as my room roommate!
I absolutely adore this girl!
She introduced me to lots of new wonderful music. 
Being an even more forgiving person!
A little store I like to call VS (hehe).
I just love this girl so much!
I'm looking forward to our new adventure in the Spring
Yes we are rooming together again!
Happy Day!
But I am going to miss her for the 4 months I am away.
I don't know how I'm going to sleep with out her singing me my lullaby. 

Dear Boy part Veintiún

Dear S,
This semester has gone
by way to fast. I'm sad
you won't be back spring
semester! PLEASE DON'T

Dear South Gate Boys,
I'm super excited to be
across the street from
New NG girl

Dear Missionary Boys,
I'm so proud of all of you!
I can't believe most of you
are at a year mark!

Dear 6,
Yeah, whatever.
Kinda glad this semester is
over and I'm glad I'm
moving. Just saying.

Dear Boy,
Promise to make me laugh
everyday! I would like that
a lot!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Boy part 20

Wow! 20 Dear Boy post already! That's a pretty big deal I have to say.
So here is your first gift from me. I'll be doing 2 Dear Boy posts this week!
Yup I'm sure you're pretty excited about that!

Dear 101,
Its been real but I guess
I didn't like being burned
after I fed you.

Dearest Carter-sauce,
Sherlock Homes Saturday?
Yes? YES!

Dear Library Boy,
Thanks for checking me out.
It was a definite need at this
stressful time in my life.
Crazed Finals Girl

Dear Boys on Campus,
I am very confused. I get double
takes when I don't wear make up.
Do I look okay or is it because
my face is horrendous with out
make up?
-Make Up

Dearest Fantastic Mr. Fox,
That first message isn't meant for you!
You are going to be an amazing
missionary! I am so proud of you!
Thanks for being a great friend
to me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I survived

So the reason for my blog fast was to get me focusing in on 
my finals-mainly my final project for ART130. 
The introduction to Graphic Design class. 
I spent at least an average of 15 hours a week on this class. 
I'm glad to see. I was able to do all the projects
and I had a teacher that liked my work. 
I'm even going to get a good grade...despite some of my unprepared days. 
So tonight I'm posting my images of my projects that I have done.
Also our exciting last day. 

Plus can I say there are some real weirdos in Rexburg. 
I'm keep walking past people who are singing out loud. 
With no head phones. I would understand if they are actually being listening to music
And my school made headlining news. 
Who knew an eccentric test center proctor could cause such a mess.
So yes I'm still wearing the skinny jeans and I've been experimenting more with my clothes. 
I guess reading fashion blogs is a good thing. 

So thank you for waiting so patiently for me to post. 
And I have some early Christmas gifts for you coming up this week!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Forgive me but...

Its going to be awhile until I do an actual post again.
I promise a big and special Dear Boys post next Friday.
I hate that I feel like finals has just blown up in my face.
Serious its like it barfed on my face and everyone is laughing.
And I hate that I have two teachers that don't like (thank goodness its not my art teacher).
At this point I would rather die than have to go through with this finals.
Yeah I recommend not taking FDENG 201(as wells as the teacher I took it from )
 with ART 130.
So I'll see you maybe sooner than I plan but who knows it could be until next Friday
when I am finally home in Oakley.
But thats if I don't rip my hair out as wells as my brains...
There will be a lot of prayers coming out of this week.
I'm putting all of my trust and faith into the Lord to get me through!
I love you all and I am so grateful that people actually care about what I write!
{Take that FDENG 201 professor!)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

slow closing down...{part 1}

Fall Semester 2011 is coming to a close. 
This one has seem to go by so fast. 
After to next semester I'll be at the halfway mark of my college career. 
Wow! I am that old... *really?*

So time for a semester break down:
This one has been the most amazing yet stressful semester yet. 
I was the oldest in the apartment (and I'm only a third semester sophomore. gah.)
Rather interesting watching new freshmen and realizing that was me a year ago. 

So I am absolutely in love with Graphic Design.
I love everything about it. I'm looking at things more critically.
{I come home to see all the wedding announcements and I tell my mom everything 
that needs to be fixed to look better. }
And I've been trying to come up with ways to improve the
look of my blog so its not to overbearing{still a work in progress}
Header could change again soon.
I have loved the class. I think this class is the first that I've really gotten to know more
than half the class. And my teacher was pretty funny and insightful.

Third Time was a charm! I got an amazing room roommate this semester!
Miss Linds! I only have good things to say about her. Such a gorgeous and sweet girl.
For one she is normal and we got along so well.
I'm going to miss her and our talks every night.
She's introduced me to awesome music and stores.
We had are fun road trip too. Love her lots.

Boys. Yes I said boys.
I've improved. Hehe. There was a guy that did show interest.
And I got dropped like a wet rag but its okay.
I'm still friends with him and everything is good.
All the guys in his apartment are pretty awesome and
I had some good times with them at the beginning of the semester.

Part 2 coming soon...I don't know how soon.

Get to know you

I follow a lovely blog called Gentri Lee.
Go check her out!  
She tagged all of her followers with this get to know you.

#1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Well...Chlojo---kinda just caught on and Chlo

#2. What's a weird habit of yours?
I always have to start out falling asleep on my back on my right side or else I can't fall asleep

#4. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone?
Hollywood by Michael Buble or Paradise by Coldplay
But most just depends on my mood and what I'm listening to.

#5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
Sorry but girls who play dumb. Its really not that cute

#6. What's one of your nervous habits?
Scratching my neck and really just not talking to anyone.

#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Well when I used to have a full bed I slept on the left side. In the twin I sleep more to the right

#8. What was your first stuffed animal & it's name?
A beanie baby dog that I named penny.

#9. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at starbucks?
Uh I don't do starbucks...I don't drink coffee or any sort of beverage like coffee so I'll just pass
this question.

#10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?
Um....probably where some sort of makeup when you go out.
I tend to have days where I don't care and I'll go to class makeup less

#11. Which way do you face in the shower?
Really? Akward...The water is hitting my face....really awkward

#12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
Ummmm....Uh...I can touch my index finger to my pinky finger...both hands

#13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
Ice cream, anything with simple sugars that give you a quick energy. COOKIE DOUGH!

#14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
Um I really don't know. I'll have to get back to you on this one. 

#15. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing?
Well up at school in the apartment.  Short Shorts and a t-shirt of some kind
Home- T-shirt and basketball shorts or pajama pants (its a lot colder in the basement)

So know  I tag you!! Go to your blog and do the same!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Honest Truth

Okay to be honest I am super excited for the day when
 I meet the boy that's meant for me.
I don't think when people say they really don't care about meeting the right person
They are lying. Trust me I've seen it more than enough times. 
"I don't want a boyfriend"...bam...5 minutes later because some one shows interest its okay. 
Its because they care people!
But there is a point where you come to be okay with the situation and you 
are okay with caring about it. 
I think once that happens it won't seem as much of a nag in our mind.
Its because everyone has a desire to love and to be loved. 

As much as I really liked the guys that I have, 
I am so grateful they didn't work out. 
Because I would have been settling for something less than what I deserve. 
I look at some boys that I had huge crushes on and find 
some were really great, amazing guys but other girls needed them more than I did.
{And I needed something more} 
Others have turned  out to be the kinda boys that keep hurting my feelings. 

I guess I'm excited to hear him say I'm beautiful.
That I'm just right the way that I am. 
That he can't believe I'm his.
Yes I hear it from my family and friends. 
I believe them. I do think I am beautiful and that Heavenly Father made me perfect. 
But I do care that I do want to hear it from that boy. 
So I just can't give up on myself so I can be ready for him to meet me. 
I'm sure I sound like a sap but its what I am thinking and how I'm feeling. 

I can't wait for him to say these things to me:
{Thinks to Linds for introducing me this group and this song)

Yup I'm excited and the paitence thing is just a work in progress

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Spirit of Christ{mas}

You probably don't remember me sharing this story. 
I've been thinking about Christ a lot about.
{I'll post a talk I wrote last year for the Christmas season}
Like I should. Of course. 
Each semester that I have encountered so far I have seen my
faith grow and increase in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
I have learned to put my
 whole heart and trust in him. 
He'll will always provide for me when I turn to him. 

Christmas is a great reminder of always having Christ in our lives. 
He gave us the greatest gift of all. 
The gift of the atonement and life. 
That is the best gift we can receive and the best gift we can give Christ
is to accept it and to use it. 

I'm reminded everyday how grateful I am to know His gospel 
and to feel His love everyday.   
To know that my Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Son. 

Let's try to remember what Christmas means to us. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dear Boy part девятнадцать

Dear Dad, 
Thanks for always being there. 
And thanks for always being
willing to say boys are dumb
when I have a bad day with

Dear S,
Thanks for being my friend!

Dear 6, 
You still confuse me 
despite the fact that I 
am over you. 

Dear Boys,
You hurt my feelings.

-birthday girl 

Dear Boy, 
I hope you make me laugh
girl dreaming and waiting 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Songs You Should Have

Tis the Season of Christmas Music!
I thought I would share with you my favorite Christmas Songs to listen to.
Michael Buble has made me one happy girl this year!
He finally made complete album of Christmas music.
But not all the list is Michael Buble.

Can I say the list could just on and on?
Because it truly could but I thought 20 was a good amount. 

What are your favorite Christmas Songs?